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Coaching FAQs

What is the difference between a Team Manager and a Coach?

At Conejo Valley Little League (CVLL), a Manager is the head coach. He or she is the “parent volunteer” responsible for the entire team i.e., safety, planning and conducting practices and games, creating the batting order/line ups, fielding positioning/strategies. Team Managers are responsible for knowing Little League rules (referred as the green book) as well as CVLL supplemental playing rules for the team’s division, and also for  creating a safe environment for the kids to learn baseball. Team Managers must ensure all players are treated fairly, provide the opportunity for the kids to learn and play different positions and promote good sportsmanship. Team Manager applications are reviewed and presented for approval to the President of the League and Board of Directors by the Division Vice Presidents. During games, only Team Managers are allowed to address umpires. The Coaches assist the Team Manager at practices and games. Coaches are assigned by Team Managers. When the Team Manager is absent, an Assistant Coach is delegated the Team Manager’s role for the practice or game.

How do I become a Team Manager?

When registering your child online for the season, complete the Little League Volunteer Application form. On the bottom left side, select, “Manager”.  Also, prospective Team Managers need to complete an Application to Manage or Coach Form. This form is found on the website, under the Documents section. In the website, select Documents, then go to Coaching Documents, select the Application to Manage or Coach Form. Complete and return this to your Division Vice President. If you are selected to Manage or Coach a team, you will be contacted by your Division Vice President and asked to provide a copy of your Driver’s License.  Selection is based on the number of teams in the division, your coaching experience/background, and your application.

Do I need a lot of baseball experience to manage a team?

No! Especially in the younger divisions, no experience is required. If you are patient, organized and a good communicator, you are perfect for the job! Each all CVLL managers and coaches are required to attend a coaching clinic where you learn how to teach the game of baseball and run an effective practice.  Also, on most teams, there is no shortage of parents willing to serve as assistant coaches and help out.  It’s recommended that you utilize your team parents. This increases everyone’s involvement and generally leads to more fun. This is a volunteer league and it is encouraged to engage as much parent support as you can during practices and games.

What is the time commitment to managing a team?

The time commitment varies depending on the division you manage and how often you practice. CVLL has 8 divisions (Challengers, Peanuts, Minor International, Minor National, Minor American, Majors, Juniors, and Seniors), that progress with age and level of play. Peanuts are our T-Ball division, games are played only on Saturdays for 1 hour and practice is recommended 1 hour during the week. This division would require a minimum of 2 hrs a week. Below are the general guideline to provide you an example how often games are played and their average duration:

1 hr 1 day/week, Saturdays Challengers, Peanuts
1.75 hrs 2 days/week Minor International
2 hrs 2 days/week Minor National
2.25 hrs 2 days/week Minor American
2+ 2 days/week Major, Junior, Senior

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